I’m going to meet my baby… my teeny tiny little mite…my miracle.
This totally terrifies me and completely excites me all at the same time!
So Friday was decision day, and after seeing the specialist and him checking Olivia over completely we sat down to discuss the options.
Her measurements showed 997g as her weight indication, movements are strong and regular, Amniotic fluid has miraculously increased to 9cm, all internal organs look like they are functioning well and Doppler readings show resistance is elevated (75) but acceptable at this stage. Olivia seems to be gaining 80 to 100g per week, which is slow but something.
So since all is well (considering), we are pushing on for one more week just to get her to 32 weeks when her brain should reach maturity. At this point the pressure and risk to me becomes worse and should we push on further the chances of things going wrong and them losing both of us is too high so we have decided that we have gone as far as we can and at 32 weeks it is safest for both of us to deliver her and take over some control.
My pain levels are no joke, even though my husband with his sense of humor tells me to just “suck it up” and “quit complaining” J – I have to admit that I am really battling. My bladder is causing quite a few problems and my body really is taking strain. But one more week – I can do!
The plan now is that I will be admitted into hospital early on Monday the 20th June, and have my two doses of steroids to help a little more with her lungs – then on Tuesday 21st at 07h30am I will be wheeled into theatre where a team of doctors will cut me open and finally remove our precious little girl from my hostile womb!
All the details of what will happen, and how they will “fix” Olivia and me are sketchy at this stage as my Gynae will only know what route to follow once he can see and assess what is actually going on inside me, and how developed Olivia actually is since her growth has been so slowed down. It is all rather daunting and I’m hoping this week passes quickly so that I don’t get to think about it too much though.
There is stax to do to get my home ready for my absence, and also to organize for mine and Livvie’s homecoming. {I know this will only be in a while but I’ll feel better that everything is ready.}
I must admit though I am so relieved to be able to finally see an end to the waiting and “limbo” that has been my life for so long… and to be able to look towards the next phase of our journey. There is still so far to go, but I have faith that we will all get through it and be home like a normal family before we know it J
Kayla and Izzy are very excited, and Dad has been prepped on multiple occasions to make sure he takes the video camera and camera – so they can see her as soon as he gets home from the hospital! J {Kayla has moaned though that a week is soooo long to wait!}
So we take on the next week and hope and pray that nothing happens in the interim to change “the plan”!
Wish us luck! xxx