Sunday, 8 May 2011


Bed rest is totally over rated!

Today has been a bad day and I’m feeling somewhat sorry for myself…after the respite of a few good days last week, the return with a vengeance of my pain is frustrating to say the least.

My mind feels totally capable of getting up making a few Mothers Day cards, perhaps baking some special treats for Sunday and washing my spastic flea bitten cat (whom I adore by the way) and a few other chores around the house…my body has a different idea!

So none of the above has been done, instead my house looks like a bomb has hit it once again and my long suffering husband took the girls out to avoid any signs of cabin fever and to allow me to try and sleep it off.
The good news is that baby is totally unaware of my pain and is squirming around like crazy!

Oh and we may have solved the name debacle…you see at present I have a favorite name and Shane has a totally different favorite name and never father apart could the two be! After much consideration and input from all around we have decided that perhaps it is best to scrap both names and go to the next name on our lists…which happens to be the same! That way we both win and my need for baby to actually have a name before she is born will be fulfilledJ

You might ask why it is so important that we decide on a name straight away – well it is to me so that the doctors and nurses know who they are fighting for. From the first moment I found out that I was expecting this little mite I somehow knew I would have to fight for her, I need them to know that it is not just about weight and weeks and viability, but that she is my daughter, a teeny tiny little soul that I need to be able to bring home to her sisters, and that once I can no longer fight to keep her alive and well inside me  they need to take over and fight for {name} to be alive and well outside of me!

Maybe that’s strange – but that’s just how I feel! I’m not going to mention the name just yet but rather give it some time to settle in. I’ll update you on that once we are ready.

I have had a few requests to tell the full story of our little mite’s journey to date… I am working on it and have decided to try and figure out how to add a section just for her story and updates once she arrives, so that I can update everyone all in one go!

Take care now and Happy Mother’s day to all you Mothers for tomorrow!


1 comment:

  1. Keep you in prayers, that all will go well for her...
