Tuesday, 10 May 2011


Good news…I think…no appointment this week as my doctor was called away to Cape Town and he wasn’t keen on me going to any locum as, in his words they would “freak out and want to take baby out immediately when they saw the war zone that is my middle parts at present” {that doesn’t freak one out or anything} – but back to the point, so I just had my weekly blood tests yesterday and yay my inflammation levels have dropped from 31 to 17J

Gotta celebrate each little blessing <3 Thank you all for your prayers.

So it seems the general consensus on Greys Anatomy last night was that the writers of Glee and Greys did a studio swap experiment! Such a heart wrenching episode, and I probably would have totally fallen to pieces if I was not laughing myself silly at all the singing! So I guess for me it was a good thing… and when our time comes maybe I should get Shane to break out in song as it certainly seemed to help Callie and her baby!? Just sayin...

On a final note for today - I need to send out lots of love and appreciation and encouragement to my husband…sometimes when just coping with the pain and frustration I do totally turn in on myself and it is all about me in that moment and I‘m sorry, cause I know it’s not just me going through all this, so is he and the rest of our special people too, and he is coping amazingly well to juggle all sorts of extra responsibilities and stresses. It’s always good to know that there is someone in your corner through good and bad…so I’m sorry and thank you.


1 comment:

  1. That is awesome news about the results...what a good Daddy he is, so caring ♥
